Ruben A. Tikidji-Hamburyan, Ph.D.

Read about my research in

Physics News Highlights

by American Institute of Physics


Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience



2000 – 2003 Ph.D. in Computer Science (Technical science)
at A.B.Kogan Research Institute forNeurocybernetics (KRINC),Southern Federal University (SFedU), Russia;
Thesis: “Design and Study of Single Neuron Model for Recurrent Medium- and Large-Scale Networks”
- Prof. Boris M.Valdimirski (Mathematics and Modeling)
- Dr. Lubov N. Podladchikova (Neuroscience)
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1986 – 1991 M.Sc.(Diploma) in Physics, SFedU.
Thesis: “Study of He-Sr Recombination Lasers in a System Generator - Amplifier”
- Dr. Leonid M. Bukshpun
- Dr. Evgeni L. Latush


2017 – 2019 Senior Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Neuroscience at LSUHSC
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2015 – 2017 Senior Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Neuroscience
at the Institute of Massively Parallel Applications and Computer Technologies (IMPACT),
School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), George Washington University (GWU), Washington, D.C.
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2011 – 2015 Postdoctoral Researcher at LSUHSC
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October 2008 Training Course “Methods and Approaches for Modeling Human Colour Appearance” at the School of Engineering and Information Science, Middlesex University, London


2019 to present Senior Research Scientist at
Department of Physiology & Pharmacology,
School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
George Washington University (GWU), Washington, D.C.
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2017 – 2017 Senior Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Computational Neuroscience at LSUHSC
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2015 – 2017 Senior Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Computational Neuroscience at IMPACT, SEAS, GWU
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2011 – 2015 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Louisiana State University, Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC)
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2007 – 2015 Senior Researcher / Principal investigator, KRINC, SFedU
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2005 – 2007 Senior Researcher, KRINC, SFedU
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2004 – 2005 Researcher, KRINC, SFedU
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2002 – 2004 Junior Researcher, KRINC, SFedU
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2000 – 2003 Postgraduate Student, KRINC, SFedU
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1991 – 2000 Junior Researcher, Research Institute of General Physics, the Russian Academy of Sciences


since 2021 Review Editor in the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
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2019 to present Guest Editor for the Third Special Volume on
“Applications of Operations Research for Neuroscience”
in Annals of Operations Research, Springer.
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2019 Member of review committee of 28th International Conference
on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN2019
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2018 – 2019 Guest Editor for the Second Special Volume on
“Applications of Operations Research for Neuroscience”
in Annals of Operations Research, Springer.
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2014 – 2017 Guest Editor for a Special Volume on
“Applications of Operations Research for Neuroscience”
in Annals of Operations Research, Springer.
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2014 – 2018 Reviewer in Proceedings in National Academy of Science (PNAS), Hippocampus and PloS One journals
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2014 Invited speaker at the Neuroscience Gateway Portal workshop, Washington D.C.
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2006 – 2007 Co-investigator in the grant 05-01-00689
“Modeling and Studying the Mechanisms of Choosing the Most Informative
Fragments While Viewing Images of Different Types”
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2005, 2006 Member of review committee of Computational Neurosciences conference
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2004, 2007 Reviewer in Neurocomputing journal, Elsevier
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2001 – 2004 Co-investigator in the grant
“Study of High-Specificity Neuron Ensembles”, supported by the program “University of Russia”
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2003 – 2005 Co-investigator in the grant 00-04-48369
“Investigation of Variability Mechanisms of Simple and Complex Spike Activity
of the Cerebellar Purkinje Cell”, supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
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2001 – 2002 Co-investigator in the grant 00-04-49344
“Studying Mechanisms of Integration of Inputs of Various Modality to
Cerebellum Purkinje Cells with Shared and Different Climbing Fibers”,
supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research.


2005 – 2006 PI of the grant UR.07.01.277
“Study of Neuronal Mechanisms of Multimodal Information Integration
by Modeling the Cerebellar Purkinje Cells with Shared Olivary Afferent Fiber”,
supported by the program “Universities of Russia”.
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2003 – 2004 PI of the grant: “Searching for Clusters in the
Multidimensional Biologically Plausible Neural Network”, supported by KRINC


  1. Resonant Interneurons Can Increase Robustness Of Gamma Oscillations. UT Austin Conference on Learning & Memory, Austin, 2015
  2. Microsecond Accuracy in Detection of Interaural Time Differences by Population of Sluggish and Noisy Integrating Neurons: Why Do We Need Large-Scale Network Simulations and Neuroscience Gateway Portal. Workshop of Neuroscience Gateway Portal, Washington D.C., 2014
  3. Resonant Interneurons Make Network Oscillations Robust to Noise and Heterogeneity. Seminar at the Neuroscience Center of Excellence, LSUHSC, New Orleans, 2014
  4. Super Stable Solution and Two Types of Nesting in Feed-Forward, Multifrequencies Oscillatory Networks. Phase-Resetting Theory Workshop, Atlanta, 2012
  5. Theta Entrainment/Modulation of Gamma Modules: Effect of Noise Phase-Resetting Theory Workshop, New Orleans, 2011
  6. The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Population Coding of Interaural Time Differences by Trough-Type Neurons. Seminars at the Center for Neural Science (Prof. J. Rinzel’s lab), New York University, NY and the Department of Neuroscience, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, 2010


2015 Lecturer for Special topic course ANAT 280
at LSUHSC (theoretical and computational neuroscience course)
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2011, 2012 Founder for “Neuroscience” specialization (a set of courses)
at the Summer School “Achievements in Contemporary Mathematics, Informatics and Physics”,
The National Technical University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” [] (AACIMP NTTU KPI), Kyiv, Ukraine.
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2010 Co-organizer for “Physics, Chemistry and Live Systems” stream AACIMP NTTU KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine
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2010 Lecturer at “Neurotechnology” Summer School, BioN (Tempus Program), Moscow, Russia.
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2010 Invited lecturer at “Neurotechnology” Summer School, BioN (Tempus Program), Moscow, Russia.
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2006 – 2010 Invited lecturer at AACIMP NTTU KPI, Kyiv, Ukraine
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2004 – 2013 Scientific adviser for more than 6 undergraduate students and
two postgraduate students: Viacheslav A. Vasilkov (PhD in Biophysics)
and Irina A. Ischenko (PhD in Physiology).


2015 Best Abstract and Invited Poster Talk Award at UT Austin Conference on Leaning & Memory
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2007, 2010, 2012 Best Lecturer Award in AACIMP NTTU KPI
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2004, 2012 Best Research Award in annual SFedU competition of publications
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2001 “Best Paper Award” at Summer School “Neuroinformatics: Modern Approach”, KRINC, SFedU
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1989 – 1991 “The Best Student Report” Awards at annual student scientific conferences, SFedU