Operating Systems
- NeuroOpenSUSE Live DVD with XPP, Neuron, uniPRCsim and neuroConstrucе.
- The previous version of Live CD, NeuroDSL based on Damn Small Linux
- NISMS Lab. Webserver and gateway (worked 2003-2017 24/7), based on LSF and BLSF books.
- LSUHSC Beowulf Computational Cluster(worked 2011 - 2018 24/7).
- 12 computing discless nodes, head node, total 184 cores, 120 Gb memory.
- Head node OS was mastered on Open SUSE Linux with MPI (both openMPI and MPICH) and MOXIS palatalization.
- Computing nodes host OS:busybox, guest OS:network mirror of Head node OS.